Saturday, January 23, 2010

January 2010 Report

This year has not started off well at all. Kathy got bronchitis and some sort of a cold which Nick caught of course!

The news with Nick is not good -- he has progressed to stage one leukemia now and as soon as his cold is gone has to go on his first round of cancer drugs.

Nothing going on my end as everything awaits my echocardiogram in February, and cardiologist appointment in March.

Went to Redlands Wal-Mart and got about a half dozen balls of cotton yarn. Got drenched coming out -- CA version of winter! Just for one's education, there is no umbrella large enough to cover a wheelchair!

Two knitting projects going at present -- a monogramed dishcloth in Peaches and Creme color Licorice for Nick and a "Love" cloth from KrisKnits Valentine collection. Not quite finished the whole collection, I have the "Lips", "Be Mine", "Heart Necklace" still to do.

On my mind is the fact I need to get a priority mailing box and pack up all the acrylic yarn to send to the Cheyenne River Reservation. The Senior Center there can use it.

Funny thing is, there is a reservation right above us -- the San Manuels lack for nothing! The difference can be explained in one --Casino! The casino makes so much money, the Governator started taxing them!

Well, back to the needles for me.

About Me

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San Bernardino, CA, United States
Old lady with dog, hubby, meanders through life crocheting, reading, sweepstaking, and playing with computer. Thankful to be alive after Denny's poisoned me with an e-coli infected hamburger and then 1 1/2 years ago fell down a flight of stairs, grateful for family, son, daughter and the grandbabies.