Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Long Time No Write

I haven't updated my blog since I fell and shattered my kneecap and broke the two bones in my left leg. Now the bones have healed and I am still not able to walk. Been a bit depressed since my world view is from a wheelchair.

I badly need to get a digital camera so I can add the finished products of my busy work -- mainly crocheting outfits for my Berenguer dolls to this blog.

I have continued entering sweepstakes also, my latest win having been a pre-publication copy of American Rust, a murder mystery.

We finally got moved into a downstairs apartment with a ramp outside the door for my wheel chair --no more crawling up and down the staircase and ruining my husband and daughter's backs lugging a heavy wheelchair up and down the stairs.

About Me

My photo
San Bernardino, CA, United States
Old lady with dog, hubby, meanders through life crocheting, reading, sweepstaking, and playing with computer. Thankful to be alive after Denny's poisoned me with an e-coli infected hamburger and then 1 1/2 years ago fell down a flight of stairs, grateful for family, son, daughter and the grandbabies.