Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Last Straw

What is the last straw for one? In my case, it is when someone goes through your underwear drawer because he wanted to know what you were looking at in your drawer! (For your information, a missing blue sock) which is precisely none of his business! At any rate, I will be leaving here next week -- will keep you updated on further developments as they happen!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

It's Deja Vu all Over again.

He's at it again, first it was going everywhere with me, now it's the regimen again -- telling me when to get up, etc.

I can only see one way out of this and that is to take Walen for a walk and never return, leave here with just the clothes on my back. I will do that whenever my tax return comes or at the latest, my 60th birthday --- I refuse to live anymore time being bossed around, or being told I am too old, etc!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Repeat of Yesterday

Once again, Nick is trying to drive me crazy with his "I don't remember saying that." When we got the phone installed he told me I wasn't to give my son the number, which is why I got a cell phone, so I could give my number to whoever I please!

So yesterday, when I got a text message from James, he started yelling at me about having given that number out! I told him off at that point and he claims he never said James couldn't have the phone number and to go ahead and give him our home phone.

And why would I do that? I can't hear on his 99 cent store cheapy phone anyway, my cell phone has the earphone and mike and I can talk and hear on it!!!!

See why I hate him?

Saturday, April 5, 2008

He's At It Again

I swear Nick just cannot refrain from trying to cause trouble!! He just informed me that Kathy told him to tell me that she will gladly provide a home for Marcy, but I am not to expect her to provide a home for me!

And I didn't expect her too -- I already have my plans made for when he passes away and they don't include living with either of my children!

And if the truth be known, I would rather have lived in a tent in the park than have imposed on my son!! That was totally Nicks idea -- he can't take a little hardship!

James, that phone number is for you to call me if you need to talk or anything else you might need.

I got my doll patterns but can't do anything till I hit Wal-Mart and get some baby yarn of the right thinness.

One thing I hate living with Nick is his inability to let me out of the house without his inviting himself along. I would like to walk around Big Lots without being hurried!

Tell the girls Grandma says I love you and I miss seeing them.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Take Note of a Phone Number Just for Me

Been a busy day -- got my haircut and as they say "Once a Marine, always a Marine" and I have a boot camp haircut to prove it!!!!

My personal cell phone is up and running 909-648-4608.

I ordered several patterns for the little dolls so I can make them some new clothes, my other pattern book had been destroyed by the rain.

Have some cookbooks on order to replace the ones destroyed by the rain.

Next time, I will concentrate on replacing the patterns for the My Child doll -- she takes the older Cabbage Patch ones and I know where to order those from.

Other than the above, there is no news to report.

Well, i have to set the computer down and eat my orange.

About Me

My photo
San Bernardino, CA, United States
Old lady with dog, hubby, meanders through life crocheting, reading, sweepstaking, and playing with computer. Thankful to be alive after Denny's poisoned me with an e-coli infected hamburger and then 1 1/2 years ago fell down a flight of stairs, grateful for family, son, daughter and the grandbabies.