Saturday, November 24, 2007

Onward, ever, Onward

I am officially living out of a suitcase now, that is where all my clean clothes are. And I finally used up my stash of baby yarn. I made a gorgeous newborn size pinafore and diaper cover in white baby yarn with pale yellow baby yarn trim.

Having used up all my baby yarn, I was casting about for another project when DH proposed I make our dog a second afghan as his first one I made a year and a half ago is looking ratty. Well, what I invented for him was not so much an afghan this time, as a crocheted style of braided rug. I am tired of having to get his nails untangled from the rectangular granny. It's being done in Red Heart's Aspen ombre.

My blogging will be a bit spotty starting November 30, 2007 as we leave here in our pickup truck, with whatever we can pack in the bed, and a cab filled with two humans, a cat, and two dogs. It's great that each animal has his special spot in the cab. The cat prefers the hump in the center over the drive train, our old dog likes to lie in the foot well on my side and the younger one likes to ride on my lap looking out the window. Now that may be a problem since I am going to have to do some of the driving and he will have to make do with DH lap -- and he like the other two animals, is not fond of DH at all!

That should be an adventure all in itself. I am hoping the motels we stop in at night have wi-fi as my laptop is all set up for it and the laptop is traveling with me at all times. Maybe I can even get some of my sweepstaking done along the way.

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About Me

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San Bernardino, CA, United States
Old lady with dog, hubby, meanders through life crocheting, reading, sweepstaking, and playing with computer. Thankful to be alive after Denny's poisoned me with an e-coli infected hamburger and then 1 1/2 years ago fell down a flight of stairs, grateful for family, son, daughter and the grandbabies.